Executive Function Tutoring

Executive Function Tutoring for kids with ADHD.  One-on-one online tutoring for children, ages 8 and up.  I work with children to help them to get and stay organized and on top of their school work and other areas of their life. This tutoring involves: organization, planning and prioritizing, time management, keeping track of their tasks and materials, study skills, and more. I can help them to plan out their school projects, develop learning strategies based on their strengths and learning styles, and more.

This is a four-week program, which includes four online sessions (30-45 minutes each), plus between-session check-ins, access to me via email for questions and clarifications, and digital downloadable, printable materials.

Once you purchase this package, I will be in touch with you within 48 hours and we can schedule the first session.

Please note that this program can be altered to fit your schedule, condensing or spreading out the 4 sessions (such as 2 sessions per week for 2 weeks, 1 session every other week for 8 weeks, etc.)

If you have any questions, please contact me (Lori) at enrichmentsource@gmail.com or (805) 225-3417.

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