Life Skills Curriculum and Lesson Planning Bundle for Middle and High School Students


Schools, educators, learning centers and professionals who need top quality life skills teaching curriculum and materials for middle and high school students, this is just what you need!

Here is a complete foundational Life Skills Curriculum and Lesson Planning Bundle for you to download and use instantly with your students.  It features a digital downloadable, printable 79-page PDF with a thorough Life Skills Program.

It includes lessons on crucial foundational life skills students need to learn and practice, and it's organized in a very user-friendly way.  

This valuable Life Skills Curriculum and Lesson Planning Bundle is a must-have for educators who want to teach middle and high school students prepare for life.

There are so many skills that are important in life.  As we get older, life requires more and more skills.  As an adult, we want to be prepared.  Life skills help us out (and are needed) throughout our lives (now and in the future).  We build upon them, add to them, strengthen them, and learn more and more every day.  We’re always learning and growing.

We gain many life skills without even realizing it, and we use and practice them all the time.  Many life skills require active learning and practice.  The more skilled and prepared we are, the better our lives will be.

This packet includes a complete curriculum and individual lessons on numerous important life skills.  It is best suited to middle and high school students, and can be implemented into schools, classrooms, learning centers, groups, etc. 

  • Introducing Life Skills
  • Self-Awareness
  • Responsibility
  • Decision-Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility
  • Problem-Solving
  • Coping Skills
  • Getting Along with Others
  • Self-Care
  • Self-Development
  • Organization and Planning
  • Goal Setting

This curriculum is set up in a sequence of topics that build on each other; however, the lessons can be presented in any order you choose.  Each life skill begins with teacher information and concepts for teachers to present to students and on which to lead discussions, as well as activities and worksheets for students to complete. 

Once you download this packet, go through it and familiarize yourself with its contents and decide how you would like to implement the lessons.  Then, print out any and all pages you intend to use.  For worksheets, you’ll want to print out enough copies for all of your students.

This packet was created by Lori Granieri, School Psychologist, Writer, Entrepreneur, and owner of Enrichment Source: Resources for Life Improvement.  Enrichment Source is located in Ventura, California, and offers educational, social emotional, mental health, and wellness products, programs, content creation, curriculum and more. 

Browse Enrichment Source’s listings to find more helpful resources for kids, teens, and adults, related to self-improvement, self-help, mental health, wellness, social skills, life skills, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and more!  

Contact Lori Granieri, Enrichment Source, at or

Here are some recommended supplemental materials you may also wish to include with this life skills curriculum. 

Life Skills:

On My Way: Life Skills Printable Board Game

Self Awareness:

Self-Awareness Workbook

Creative Thinking:

Creative Thinking/Creative Writing Workbook

Problem Solving:

Solution Surfers: Problem Solving Board Game

Problem Solving Printable Workbook

Coping Skills:

Coping Skills and Resilience Workbook (and Bundle)

Getting Along with Others:

Social Skills Lesson Plan Bundle

Friendship Skills Counseling Group Workbook


Organize It! Organization Game for Kids

Organization Tool, Resource, Task Batching

Task Lists Packet, Checklists, To Do Lists


Simple Goal Setting Worksheets

Life Goals and Action Plan Workbook


Social and Emotional (SEL) Worksheets