Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Worksheet Bundle


This digital download, printable packet of Social and Emotional Learning  (SEL) worksheets are for elementary, middle and high school students.

You will receive a 14-page digital downloadable PDF file to print out and use.  Please note that no physical product will be sent.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a hot topic in education right now.  It is said that SEL needs to come first – before academics.  Here are some worksheets to help students learn about and practice the concepts of SEL. 

These worksheets make a great addition to any SEL program, lesson, discussion, session, or activity.  They can be used by teachers in the classroom, to supplement lessons and to facilitate conversations and practice of pro-social skills, by counselors, psychologists, and other mental health specialists with students or clients, individually or in groups, or by anyone who works with children and is interested in promoting SEL concepts.

This packet includes the following:

  • An introduction to SEL and its five main components
  • Worksheets with questions and prompts related the SEL components

This workbook can be used with kids, teens or adults as a resource for teaching them about Social-Emotional Learning (SEL).  It makes a great tool for therapy, counseling, self-help/self-improvement, and more.

Download this packet, and print out the pages you wish to use, as many times as you wish.  I suggest arranging these pages in a notebook/binder to keep them organized and ready for use.

For additional resources that compliment, enhance, SEL learning, please explore the Enrichment Source catalog.  Suggested materials in our shop:

  • Self-Awareness Workbook
  • Problem-Solving Workbook
  • Kids Mental Health Workbook
  • Manners Workbook and Flashcards
  • Kids Anxiety Workbook
  • And more

This workbook can be used with kids and teens, and makes a great tool for therapy and counseling.

This packet was created by Lori Granieri, School Psychologist, Writer, Entrepreneur, and owner of Enrichment Source, creative resources for life improvement. 

See more creative, useful, helpful, enriching resources at