Coping Skills Cards - Printable PDF with 8 Cards for Kids

Digital downloadable, printable PDF with 8 colorful, useful, helpful cards for kids to use when they need to cope with anxiety, worry, stress, anger, etc. Each card features a different technique.  Use as part of a coping toolbox.

These Coping Skills cards can help you deal with uncomfortable, overwhelming and difficult feelings.  Each card features a Coping Skills strategy, technique, or group of ideas for calming down, and dealing with and managing stress, anxiety, and other intense feelings. 

These cards are useful for kids and teens.  Carry them with you or add them to your Coping Skills toolbox. 

These cards can also be used in classrooms, at home, and in therapeutic settings.

This packet includes 18 colorful coping skills cards. 

Just cut them out (laminate if you want to).

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