ADHD Therapy Handouts, Visual Guidance Sheets, Educational Tools


Digital Download, Printable ADHD Resource Packet.  If you work with individuals with ADHD, these resources are a great resource for your practice.  Use these sheets/handouts for explaining ADHD concepts, symptoms, etc., and providing clients, students (and parents) with helpful information.  You may also display these in your office, on a wall or bulletin board, use in a binder, and more.

Download, print out as many copies as you need on a color printer (or have them printed at a copy shop), display in your office, classroom, etc., and use as you wish.

This packet includes the following visuals/handouts:

  • The Brain and ADHD
  • Executive Function
  • Motivating Kids with ADHD

This resource was created by Lori Granieri, School Psychologist, ADHD Coach, Writer, Learning Designer, adult with ADHD, and owner of Enrichment Source: Resources for Life Improvement.  Enrichment Source is located in Ventura, California, and offers educational, social emotional, mental health, and wellness products, programs, content creation, curriculum and more.  Visit