This digital download, printable board game is a fun activity for kids of all ages. It helps with skills including problem-solving, decision making, executive functions, critical thinking, social skills, life skills, and more.
Download the PDF, print on card stock via a color printer, and follow the included instructions.
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Solution Surfers is problem-solving board game that teaches students important problem-solving techniques and gives them opportunities to practice them. The surf and ocean inspired theme make the game lots of fun!
The long horizontal game board looks like an ocean with waves. Solution Surfers must surf the waves (solve problems) all the way to the shore!
In addition to being prepared, good surfers use balance, focus, and good decision making as they approach each wave. Even if they “wipe out,” their preparation serves them well and keeps them safe. They learn from their mistakes, get back up and ride the next wave, and the next, and the next.
About Solution Surfers, The Problem-Solving Game:
The digital download, printable board game includes an Ocean Game Board: a long rectangle board illustrated with waves. Solution Surfers must “surf” or “ride the waves” (move their surfboard pawn along the board) from the beginning to end. Along the way, they learn about problem-solving techniques as they respond to question cards. They are reminded to use problem-solving methods as they thoughtfully answer each question. As an added (optional) bonus, they can decorate their surfboards when they give a thoughtful answer. This game can be played either competitively or collaboratively.
Benefits of the game: strengthens problem-solving and decision-making skills, critical thinking, social skills, executive functioning, organization, planning, focus, and attention.
Materials Included (Digital Download/Printable):
- Ocean Game Board (made up of 4 numbered pages; print them out and tape them together in order)
- 8 different colored Surfboard Pawns (for moving along the game board)
- 2 Surfing Signs (the WAVES and the SURFER method) with tips and reminders for steps to take while solving problems
- 72 Problem-Solving Question Cards (plus blank cards to write your own questions)
- 8 large Surfboards to decorate
- Surfboard decorations
- Die to cut out and tape together (you may use your own die instead)